The Verse I Lived By
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Happy Birthday Sister

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I'm One Month Old

Things I don't want to forget about Lucas 0-1 month
Loves music, especially while riding in the car
Loves when his sister talks to him
Starting to enjoy his bath's a little more, before he would just scream the entire time.
Lucas loves to eat!! This kid would eat every 30 minuets if I would let him :) I have to feed him formula along with breast milk because my body can not keep up with how much he wants to eat.
Normally eats 2-4 ounces at a time.
Really enjoys his swing and sleeps the best while he is in there.
Sleeps only 2 - 2 1/2 hours at a time and I am a total zombie.
Is growing out of his newborn clothes already!! They fit in the tummy and arm area but length wise he is too big. Going to be tall like his daddy I imagine!!
Has a cry that will wake up the neighborhood!! When he wakes up you know it, but as soon as you pick him up he is quiet as a mouse.
Has a little squeak that he does when he eats.
Loves to be held and cuddled, he is my little snuggle bunny.
Charlotte has given him a few nicknames they are; little vitamin, little meatball, little celery, and pumpkin pie with whip cream on top.
Mommy and Daddy's nickname is Lukey Lukes
We love you little Lucas, you have completed our family and I couldn't imagine our life with out you. Thank you god for giving us such a perfect and sweet little boy, we are so thankful!!