The Verse I Lived By

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.” ~ 1 Samuel 1:27

Sunday, July 3, 2011


We went for an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby (because I couldn't wait). When we got there the baby would not show the goods and had his legs crossed the entire time. I went to the bathroom and then came back and he had totally switched positions. We finally got a peek between the legs but it was for a real short time. The ultrasound tech told me to cough a few times to see if the baby would turn and that's exactly what he did. We were so excited to find out it was a boy. It's going to be fun having one of each and buying lots of blue instead of pink. Charlotte is excited to have a brother and talks to him daily and kisses my belly.

Picture of the goods

Baby's spine and head shotHis little footThe big sister watching...Arrow is pointing to his heart beating


Jamie H said...

Yeah for a boy! We are so excited for you!

korie said...

I'm so excited. A little buddy for my baby boy!

Kathy said...

Love the photo of Char looking at it! So excited for you guys!!